Please donate to help us keep our programs going and growing
Martin Luther King Coordinating Committee
Palm Beach County
Student Tickets K-12 $25.00
Adult Tickets $50.00
Table Sponsorship ($500)
Exclusive reserved table (10 tickets) in your name
Friends ($75 - $250)
Your named listed in the event brochure and 1 to ticket to the breakfast
Exhibtors ($75)
1 Exhibition table at the breakfast and 1 ticket to the breakfast
Bronze ($251 - $500)
5 tickets to the Breakfast and 1/4 page ad in the event brochure
Table Sponsorship ($500)
Exclusive reserved table (10 tickets) in your name
Silver ($501 - $1,000)
Reserved table (10 tickets) and 1/2 page ad in the event brochure
Gold ($1,001 - $2,500)
Reserved table (10 tickets) and full page ad in the event brochure
Platinum ($2,501 - $5,000)
Reserved table (10 tickets), full page ad in the event brochure and
banner displayed.
2021 Annual Scholarship Breakfast
This year we're celebrating the memory and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at our annual scholarship breakfast, virtually so we can keep everyone safe. Grab your own breakfast and join our program from your home or office or even on your cell phone.
We'll be Zooming this year's program, a link will be sent to your email after you signup. This year's breakfast we're asking for your support for a $25.00 per ticket to support our programing and our scholarship awards.
We are also going to present our student participants in a new and we believe even better way with the use of video technology that will allow us to show you the highlights of their programs.
2021 Virtual Breakfast $25.00
After purchasing your ticket, you will be sent to Zoom to register and you will receive via email — instructions for joining the MLKCC Virtual Breakfast Program and your registration code.
2023 Scholarship Breakfast Tickets
January 16, 2023
Palm Beach County Convention Center - 650 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Doors open 7AM - Program starts 8AM
Student Tickets K-12 $30.00
Adult Tickets $60.00
Table Sponsorship ($600)
Exclusive reserved table (10 tickets) in your name
Student Tickets K-12 $30.00
Adult Tickets $60.00
Table Sponsorship ($600)
Exclusive reserved table (10 tickets) in your name
2024 Scholarship Breakfast Tickets
January 15, 2023
Palm Beach County Convention Center - 650 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Doors open 7AM - Program starts 8AM
Student Tickets K-12 $30.00
Adult Tickets $60.00
Table Sponsorship ($600)
Exclusive reserved table (10 tickets) in your name
2025 Scholarship Breakfast Tickets
January 15, 2023
Palm Beach County Convention Center - 650 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Doors open 7AM - Program starts 8AM
Student Tickets K-12 $30.00
Adult Tickets $60.00
Table Sponsorship ($600)
Exclusive reserved table (10 tickets) in your name
2022 Theme: “A Dream of Liberty and Justice For All People
Activities & Budgetary Needs 2022
Interfaith Vigil Against Gun Violence $1,000
Kick-off Reception $2,000
Candlelight Service $3,000
Unity Day/Interfaith Service. $1,000
Performing Art Auditions. $1,000
Art/Photography Awards & Reception $3,000
Freedom Shabbat $1,000
Oratorical Contest $5,000
Performing Arts Finalists Comp. $3,000
Student Art Exhibit $2,000
Gospel Fest $1,000
Scholarship Breakfast $25,000
Bus South Florida Fair $2,000
Health, Wellness & Safety Fair $2,000
Pen & Pencil SUMMER CAMP $5,000
Public Relations / Printing Media $4,000
1444 8TH Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 or P.O. Box 3721, West Palm Beach, FL 33402
Name of activity(s) which you are contributing (from above list).
________________________________________________________ $_____________________
Activity and / or Need Contribution Amount
I. Breakfast Adult Ticket $50.00 each x ___ $_____II. Breakfast Student Ticket $25.00 each x ___$ ____
III. Scholarship Fund $_____________
Please indicate the size of advertisement in Program Booklet (8 ½ X 11): All Ads Must Be Camera Ready (Email PDF, Non-PDF DISC)
[ ] 8 ½ x 11 Full Page = $150 B. [ ] ½ Page = $85 C. [ ] ¼ Page = $70 D. [ ] Exhibition = $75
Business Card [ ] = $35 VI. Landmark Brick [ ] = $70
Inside Cover - $350.00 Back Inside Cover - $250.00
DEADLINE for Breakfast Tickets and Program Booklet Ads is December 30, 2019.
Organization / Your Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________ Address: __________________________________________________
Total Amount Enclosed $ ___________________________________
Make all Checks and Money Orders payable to: Martin Luther King, Jr. Coordinating Committee
Mail to: 1444 8th Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 OR P.O. Box 3721, West Palm Beach, FL 33402
The Martin Luther King Coordinating Committee is a 501(c )3 charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.